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The Face Behind The Brand

Writer's picture: Laura Hodgson-FernandezLaura Hodgson-Fernandez

Hi there! I'm Laura Hodgson-Fernandez (but you probably gathered that from the not so original brand name!) and I thought it was about time I said hi and how I ended up here - don't worry i'll keep it short and sweet, we'll skip the whole life story!

Hello there!

A little history on my brand....

Laura Fernandez Designs is my side hustle or as I like to call it, my 5pm-10pm! By day you can find me working as a textile designer for an interiors brand and by night I'll be working away on my business creating polymer clay jewellery and bespoke denim jackets crafted for all those gorgeous brides out there!

So how did I get here? Truth be told, by accident! When working in my first design role after university as a print designer for a fashion brand, I quickly realised that it wasn't as creatively free as I first thought and I needed an outlet to let my imagination run wild. So after a scroll through Pinterest at various different crafts, I discovered the world of polymer clay. After dabbling in creating accessories for myself, initially starting in beaded clay necklaces, I (with a gentle push from my husband) decided to open an Etsy shop and to my absolute amazement I sold something. I will forever remember the feeling of that sales notification popping up on my phone, I honestly couldn't believe that someone wanted to buy something that I created and not only that, something that I really love making! Then, as they say the rest is history. So fast forward 8 years, with so many lovely craft fairs under my belt, an absolutely amazing stockist (shout out to Our Handmade Collective in Leeds) and a whole lotta learning curves, here I am taking my biggest leap yet in my small biz dreams... restructuring my business into a bridal brand, refining yet expanding my product line and forcing myself to take a risk and I'm so excited to have you here for the ride!

A little about me...

The super cuddly Marmalade!

So I've told you a little about my brand, now a little about me! I'm based in sunny Yorkshire where I live with my husband (also known as the chief craft fair display stand builder and you'll often see him hidden behind my stand at events keeping a steady stream of sweets heading my way!) and our super cuddly ginger cat Marmalade. I have a degree in Printed Textile and Surface Pattern Design from Leeds Arts University and work as a textile designer for an interiors brand with the most amazing team of people who are the biggest cheerleaders for my business! A few facts about me:

  • I have THE biggest sweet tooth, I'd quite happily give up savoury food if I could live off sweets, so much so that when Mr LFD proposed he did so with a Haribo ring and the biggest surprise that people took from that is that I didn't eat it!

  • I cannot cope without coffee, I drink that much of the stuff that I'm pretty sure 90% of me is made up of coffee!

  • I have an irrational fear of bridges, don't ask me why I have absolutely no idea but would quite happily go the long way round it it meant avoiding them or failing that running across to get it over and done with as soon as possible!

  • I was really not looking forward to turning 30 this year, lets call it a quarter life crisis! I obviously must not have been subtle about this as the team I work at my day job with threw me a funeral to mourn the death of my 20s, complete with black and pink gravestone and everyone was dressed in black, it was a very somber day!

  • I got married in April (I know everyone says this but it really was the most amazing day!) which really opened me up to the world of bridal accessories and how important it is to feel 100% you on your wedding day and what better way of doing this than with bespoke accessories designed to reflect your personality and style! And yes, I did wear one of our jackets... the 'Crazy In Love' design because when better to channel your inner Queen Bey!

So that's me, don't forget to connect with us on our social for behind the scenes of our brand and of course, the odd appearance from Marmalade!

Love Laura x



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